January, 2010 COSEE Alaska at the 2010 Alaska Marine Science Symposium COSEE Alaska sponsored workshops and luncheon speakers and activities at the 2010 Alaska Marine Science Symposium held in Anchorage, Alaska from January 18-22. The annual symposium, which draws the entire Alaska marine science community, had a record-breaking attendance of more than 800 scientists, educators, and coastal community members. More than 200 of these participated in two half-day workshops co-sponsored by COSEE Alaska to kick off the conference - Communicating Ocean Science and Ocean Acidification. George Matsumoto, COSEE Advisory Council, Craig Strang, COSEE California, and Annette deCharon, COSEE Ocean Systems, were invited presenters at the Communicating Ocean Sciences workshop to bring successful tools and programs to Alaska from the COSEE Network. Other presentations featured research and communication of science in Alaska Native communities by Vera Metcalfe, a Director of the Alaska Eskimo Walrus Commission, and a collaborative project between researcher Andrew Trites and a teacher on St. Paul Island in the Pribilofs that provided outreach and education about fur seal ecology and cultural importance to the school and the community. COSEE Alaska sponsored luncheon programs, including an organizational meeting of the SEANET networking group attended by more than 100 scientists, educators, and science media and outreach specialists from throughout the state. On other days, they sponsored a mock National Ocean Sciences Bowl competition between a student team and a team of scientists and a presentation about Google Ocean by Charlotte Vick, Google Earth (Ocean) content manager. A final COSEE-sponsored workshop provided hands-on experience for 70 scientists and educators to work with Charlotte Vick to learn how to post their own content. As a follow-up to the symposium, highlights of presentations about Alaska ocean climate change, the Bering Sea ecosystem study, sea ice, and ocean acidification were posted on the SEANET networking site: http://oceanseanet.ning.com.September, 2009 October, 2009 COSEE Alaska participated in the Alaska Math Science Teachers Conference in Juneau, Alaska. Marilyn Sigman and Dr. Ray Barnhart will provide a two-part presentation on the overall COSEE Alaska project and ocean climate change science (Part 1) followed by the strategies for integration of Alaska Native knowledge, with an emphasis on planning for ocean science fairs (Part 2). (See related news story on this website.) COSEE Alaska co-sponsored a teacher workshop, "Salmon in the Classroom: connecting local to global," in Fairbanks, Alaska. 4-H Natural Resources & Youth The target audience for the workshop are Alaska rural teachers currently involved in a program that involve raising salmon in aquaria in the classroom. Marilyn Sigman will provide instruction. January, 2010 |